im vry ' GAN JONG 'caz my brithday is caming nwww!!!
my classmate tell mii that there wan 2 celebrate 4 mii
my classmate tell mii that there wan 2 celebrate 4 mii
OMG !!!! im vry scare when there tell mii about that ..
there didt telll mii anything about that day``
there juz say it was a secret @ crazy day!!
8/3/2010 oso is myy ' SEL KEI ' x__x
EXAM start at that date !!
im hate EXAM !!
who's 'FA MING' exam wan??
im vry lazy too study__
who's 'FA MING' exam wan??
im vry lazy too study__
dun ask mii anything about the buku rujukan ..
im HATE it !!!!
i wan too KILL the orang whos FA MING exam !!!